Palmer Joins School of Medicine Web Advisory Council
MGM's Melissa Palmer has joined the Duke School of Medicine (SoM) Web Advisory Council (WAC).
Gusa Named Whitehead Scholar
Asiya Gusa, PhD, has been selected to be a Whitehead Scholar for the next five years. The Whitehead family established a fund at Duke to support new assistant professors and their research.
Luftig Co-PI on Duke NIH Grant to Prep Students for Graduate and Medical Programs
Duke has been awarded a grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop a one-year postbaccalaureate program for students interested in pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD in the biomedical sciences a
Publication From Coers Lab, MGM Collaborators Selected as "Editor's Choice" by The Scientist
A team of Duke researchers, led by MGM graduate student Stephen Walsh and his advisor Jörn
Silver and Lowe Present at Dean's Distinguished Research Series
MGM's Debby Silver and Craig Lowe have been selected to give the Faculty Lec
Maggie Morash and Matt Tillman Awarded NIH Fellowships
Two members of John Rawls’ lab were recently awarded NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual NRSA Fellowships.
Lowe-Silver-Reddy Collaboration Identifies "Human Ancestor Quickly Evolved Regions" (HAQERS)
A team of Duke researchers led by MGM's Riley Mangan has identified a group of human DNA sequences driving changes in brain development, dige
Hannah Brown and Marnus du Plooy Receive MMSA Travel Awards
Two of Dr Andrew Alspaugh's trainees have been named fall/winter (Medical Mycological Society of the Americas) MMSA tra