Coers, Silver, Tobin Celebrated at MGM Gathering
MGM celebrated recent faculty promotions with a happy hour, snacks, and an impressive cake on November 14th.
The guests of honor were:
Derbyshire, Silver Honored at University Reception
Congratulations to MGM faculty Emily Derbyshire, PhD, and Debby Silver, PhD
Matsunami, de March, and Colleagues Provide Glimpse into Complex Mechanics of How Noses Decode Smells
Our noses can effortlessly distinguish the aroma of coffee from the tang of gasoline, yet how they do it has long been a mystery.
CHoMI Hosts Annual Symposium
The 2024 CHoMI Symposium, held on October 15th in the Great Hall of the Trent Semans Center at Duke Universit
Gusa Featured in "Duke Today"
Climate change has the potential to make fungi even more hazardous to our health, according to research at Duke.
Evon DeBose-Scarlett Wins Best Presentation Award at HHT Conference
MGM student Evon DeBose-Scarlett's abstract was chosen for an oral presentation at the 15th Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia International Scientif
Heitman Elected to National Academy of Medicine
Paola Ramos Irizarry Wins Best Poster Award at ISFUS 2024
Paola Ramos Irizarry, 3rd-year MGM student in the Gusa Lab, won a Best Poster Award and $200 at the
Evon DeBose-Scarlett in the Marchuk Lab is Closing in on the Causes of a Dangerous Bleeding Disorder
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is an inherited disorder in the blood vessels that can lead to a range of complications, including bleeding disorders and abnormal vascular structures in