Faculty Awards and Honors

Faculty members in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology have been well-recognized for their achievements.
Award Faculty
American Society for Microbiology Award for Basic Research (2019) Heitman
American Society for Microbiology Award for Early Career Basic Research (2019) Heaton
National Academy of Sciences Member (NAS)



National Academy of Medicine (NAM) Heitman
American Academy of Arts and Sciences Member



Association of American Physicians Member Heitman
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow









American Society for Clinical Investigation Fellow

HeitmanChiKo, Lan

American Academy of Microbiology Fellow






Whitehead Scholar Award





Heaton, SanRomanSmith


Mallinckrodt Foundation Award Tobin
NIH New Innovator Award TobinSmith, Derbyshire
Searle Scholar Tobin, David
Vallee Scholar Award Tobin
Beckman Young Investigator David
Alfred P. Sloan Research Award David
10 Scientists to Watch in 2016


Hartwell Foundation Award



Trice-Holland Scholars Award



The Burroughs Wellcome Fund





Pew Foundation



Squibb Award from the Infectious Diseases Society of America Heitman
AMGEN Award from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Heitman
MERIT award from the NIH/NIAID Heitman
Duke Research Mentoring Award for Translational Research Heitman
Duke Dean's Award for Excellence in Mentoring Award Heitman
Stanley Korsmeyer Award from the American Society for Clinical Investigation Heitman
Distinguished Mycologist Award, Mycological Society of America Heitman
Elected Member of the German National Academy of Sciences - Leopoldina Heitman
Rhoda Benham Award from the Medical Mycological Society of the Americas Heitman
Fellow and Co-Director, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research program, Fungal Kingdom:  Threats & Opportunities Heitman
Billy Cooper Award from the Medical Mycology Society of the Americas Mitchell
ASM Merck Irving Sigal Award ValdiviaKo
ASM Young Investigator Award



March of Dimes Basil O'Connor Scholar (2004-2006) Sullivan
Board of the Genetics Society of America Jinks-Robertson
Elected Treasurer and appointed to the Board of Scientific Counselors for the National Cancer Institute Jinks-Robertson
Honorary Member of the LA-and-Related-Proteins Society (LARP) Keene
Creativity award from the National Science Foundation Keene
Henry Kunkel Honorary Society Keene
Arthritis Foundation’s Devil’s Bag Award Keene
Executive Board for the International Epstein-Barr Virus Association Luftig
Invited Priscilla Schaffer Memorial Lecturer at the International Herpesvirus workshop Luftig
F1000 Prime Faculty Member Luftig
James B. Duke Distinguished Professors

HeitmanJinks-Robertson, Keene


Minnie Geller Professor Petes
John Strohbehn Distinguished Professor  Lodge
Lifetime Achievement Award, Genetics Society of America (2022) Petes
Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal from the Genetics Society of America (2013) Petes
President and Vice President of the Genetics Society of America Petes
Chair of Division F of the ASM Mitchell
Scholar for the Roche Foundation for Anemia Research Chi
Ruth and A. Morris Williams Faculty Research Prize from Duke University School of Medicine Tobin
Thomas Langord Lectureship Award from Duke University TobinMatsunami
Ruth K. Broad Faculty Scholar in Neuroscience (2015) Silver
Mary Bernheim Distinguished Professor Jinks-Robertson
National Academy of Inventors Fellow Lodge
Academy of Science, St. Louis, Trustee's Award Lodge
G-POP Predoctoral Fellowship


International Mammalian Genome Society Mary Lyon award for outstanding early/mid-career female investigator Smith
American Society of Microbiology (ASM) for New Voices in Microbiology for Early Career Microbiologists Smith
Azrieli Global Scholar of CIFAR Program Fungal Kingdom:  Threats & Opportunities Gusa
Cha Zuckerbery Diversity Leadership Award David

ACS Infectious Diseases Young Investigator Award (2018)


AAAS Marion Milligan Mason Award (2018)


Sloan Research Fellowship (2021)


Editorial Positions

Faculty members in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology have served in the following editorial positions:

Jen-Tsan Ashley Chi  
2009 - Present Academic Editor, PLoS One
2017 - Present Editor, BMC Medical Genomics
Editor, Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases
Jörn Coers  
2010 - Present Academic Editor, PLoS One
2017-2019 Editorial Board, Infection & Immunity
2018-Present PLoS Pathogens Pearls Editor
2018-Present Pathogens and Disease co-editor in chief
Lawrence David  
2017 - Present Board of Advisors, Genome Magazine
Fred Dietrich  
2011 - 2015 Associate Editor, G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics
Joseph Heitman  
2001 - 2010 Associate Editor, Mycopathologia
2001 - 2014 Editor, Current Genetics
2001 - Present Associate Editor, Fungal Genetics and Biology
2002 - 2012 Editor, Eukaryotic Cell
2006 - Present Editorial Board, PLoS Biology
2006 - Present Editorial Board, Current Biology
2006 - Present Editorial Board, Cell Host & Microbe
2007 - 2012 Anti-Infective Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
2008 - 2012 Editorial Board, The Open Tropical Medicine Journal
2008 - 2011 Section Editor, PLoS Pathogens
2009 - 2012 Editorial Board, Virulence
2010 - 2017 Editorial Board, Journal of Molecular Medicine
2011 - 2023 Editorial Board, Fungal Biology Reviews
2011 - Present Editorial Board, PLoS Pathogens Pearls Editor
2012 - 2017 Associate Editor, Genetics
2012 - Present Associate Editor, PLoS Genetics
2012 - 2015 F1000 Research, Editorial Board Member
2012 - 2020 Microbiology Spectrum, Associate Editor
2012 - 2022 Academic Editor, PeerJ
2013 - 2015 Eukaryotic Cell, Editorial Board
2013 - Present mBio, Board of Editors
2014 - Present PLOS Pathogens, Senior Pearls Editor
2018 - 2024

Specialty Chief Editor, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology,
Fungal Pathogenesis

2022 - 2027 Editor, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews (MMBR) 
2020 - Present Editor, Mycota (Springer)
Sue Jinks-Robertson  
1993 - 1997 Associate Editor, Genetics
2008 - Present Associate Editor, DNA Repair
2012 - Present Associate Editor, PLoS Genetics
Jack Keene  
1983 - 2007 Editorial Board, Virology
1985 - 1995 Editorial Board, Journal of Virology
1991 - 2008 Editorial Board, Molecular and Cellular Biology
1992 - 2000 Editor, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews
1995 - 2002 Editorial Board, Molecular Diversity
2000 - 2005 Editor-in-Chief, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews
2001 - Present Editorial Board, Nature Molecule Pages
2003 - 2008 Editorial Board, Journal of Biological Chemistry
2005 - Present Associate Editor, RNA Biology
2008 - Present Associate Editor, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIRES): RNA
Dennis Ko  
2013 - Present Academic Editor, PLoS One
Jennifer Lodge  
Present Editorial Board, The Cell Surface
2010 - 2015 Editorial Board, Eukaryotic Cell
Present Editorial Board, Frontiers in Microbiology
2008 - 2011 Editorial Board, Molecular Microbiology
Micah Luftig  
2009 - 2014 Academic Editor, PLoS One
2014 - Present Editorial Board, Journal of Virology
Douglas Marchuk  
2011 - Present Associate Editor, Journal of Clinical Investigation
Hiroaki Matsunami  
2006 - Present Academic Editor, PLoS One
2009 - Present Editoral Board, Frontiers in Neurobiology: Neural Circuits
2013 - Present Academic Editor, PeerJ
John Rawls  
2008 - Present Associate Editor, Gut Microbes
2012 - 2018 Academic Editor, PLoS One
2015 - Present Editorial Board Member, mSystems
Matt Scaglione  
2016 - Present Editor, American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory,
Integrative and Comparative Physicology
Debra Silver  
2010 - Present Academic Editor, PLoS One
2012 - Present Editorial Board Member, PeerJ
2018 - Present Board Member Cajal Club
2019 - Present Editorial Board, Developmental Neuroscience
2019 - Present Editorial Board, Frontiers in Neuroscience
Beth Sullivan  
2006 - 2021 Academic Editor, PLoS One
2010 - 2013 Associate Editor, Chromosome Research
2010 - Present Associate Editor, PLoS Genetics
2012 - 2021 Editorial Board Member, PeerJ
2013 - 2019 Executive Editor, Chromosome Research
2020 Co-Editor-in-Chief, Chromosome Research
2021 - Present Editor-in-Chief, Chromosome Research
David Tobin  
2011 - Present Academic Editor, PLoS One
2015 - Present Monitoring Editor, Disease Models and Mechanisms
2016 - Present Editorial Board, Infection and Immunity
Dong Yan  
2014 - Present Academic Editor, PeerJ
2018 - Present Academic Editor, PLOS One
Emily Derbyshire Editorial Advisory Board, ACS Infectious Diseases
Research Track Faculty   
Rajendra Upadhya, PhD  
2023 - Present Editor, PLOS One