MGM alum Mohammad Arifuzzaman, who trained with Dr. Soman Abraham and is now a Postdoctoral Associate at Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University, was recently awarded an NIAID K99 Pathway to Independence Award for the project "Dietary regulation of type 2 immunity and inflammation in the gut".
Currently Dr. Arifuzzaman is continuing his research on dietary fiber and microbiota-derived metabolites in the contexts of IBD and colorectal cancer funded by the K99 Award. Dr. Arifuzzaman is highly motivated to pursue an independent academic research career, and his current studies and training will provide the scientific and career framework to achieve this. His future research program will focus on a metabolomics-based approach to study the role of various diets and microbiota in regulation of immune and tissue homeostasis, and will span multiple disciplines and techniques, including cellular and molecular immunology, untargeted metabolomic analyses, genetic engineering of gut microbes, transcriptomic studies, and cutting-edge microscopy.