The 2024 CHoMI Symposium, held on October 15th in the Great Hall of the Trent Semans Center at Duke University, brought together over 100 attendees from Duke, UNC, and NC State. CHoMI provides a platform for labs studying host-pathogen interactions to share their work with broader audiences. This annual symposium extends that platform to outside speakers, giving trainees the chance to engage with leading investigators in virology, bacteriology, parasitology, and mycology.
Trainees had the opportunity to connect with four invited speakers during a trainee lunch, which was followed by a series of insightful talks by the invited speakers. Dr. Cary Moody (UNC) discussed virus-host interactions in the HPV life cycle, Dr. Tamara Doering (Washington University) shared research on protective structures in Cryptococcus neoformans, Dr. Eric Skaar (Vanderbilt University) presented on antibacterial effectors of macrophages, and Dr. Jeroen Saeij (UC Davis) explored a role for CRISPR in dissecting Toxoplasma’s host manipulation strategies.
The day concluded with an engaging trainee poster session and a lively happy hour, marking a successful event for advancing host-pathogen research. Please see additional photos below of the event!