“The Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology (MGM) is infused with an atmosphere and culture of inclusiveness that supports, encourages, and sustains diversity at all levels (undergraduate students, graduate students, medical students, fellows, staff, administration and faculty). This enriches our community, and brings together a diversity of backgrounds, viewpoints, talents, and vision that is synergistic in our tripartite mission in education, training, and research. There are myriad forms of diversity, and the departmental culture is welcoming and supportive of all. I am especially pleased that MGM faculty member Lawrence David is chairing a committee to promote and enhance diversity in the department, and look forward to working assiduously with Lawrence and others to enhance further this aspect of the department and our institution.”
– Joseph Heitman, MD, PhD, Chair, Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
MGM Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Group
Our current members are:
- Ammara Aqeel (Graduate Student)
- Kyle Beausoleil (Staff)
- Fernando Cruz Alsina (Postdoc)
- Lawrence David (Chair, Faculty)
- Erin Curtis (Graduate Student)
- Francesca Galeffi (Staff)
- Miriam Kutsch (Postdoc)
- Craig Lowe (Faculty)
- Micah Luftig (Faculty)
- Teresa McDonald (Graduate Student)
- Aruna Menon (Graduate Student)
- Jess Portillo (Graduate Student)
- Brianna Petrone (Graduate Student)
- Nora-Guadalupe Ramirez (Postdoc)
- David Tobin (Faculty)
For more about Diversity within MGM, please watch this video from Dr. Raphael Valdivia.