The Duke University Center for Host-Microbial Interactions (CHoMI) will award travel grants, worth $1000 each, to support students or post-doctoral fellows to attend national and international scientific meetings. Travel grants will be awarded on the basis of the scientific quality of the submitted abstracts.
Preference is given to fellows/students who have not received a travel grant in the past two years, and the Selection Committee will strive to award only one travel grant per laboratory.
To apply, email a single PDF file to Karla Webber at including:
- Cover letter indicating candidate name, name of the Principal Investigator (PI) of the corresponding CHoMI laboratory, conference name, dates, location, purpose, and justification.
- Abstract
- Two-page CV in this format: biosketch-blank-format-rev-10-2021
- Download the Word version here:
Deadlines: November 1 and May 1
Applications will be reviewed promptly and successful applicants will be notified within two weeks of receipt.