Welcome to the Inaugural Symposium on Host-Microbial Interactions
Friday, November 20, 2015
Durham, NC — Please join us for a symposium at Duke University November 20, 2015 focusing on host-microbial interactions.
Date: Friday, November 20, 2015
Time: 8:00 am to 5:30 pm (Lunch will be provided). Reception will be from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM.
Location: Trent Semans Center, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710
Parking and Directions: Research Drive Parking Deck / Eye Center deck
All are invited: Scientists from NCSU, UNC Chapel Hill, NCCU, Duke University, and other local institutions are invited to register and attend.
External Speakers:
Joanne Engel, MD/PhD
Chief Division of Infectious Diseases, Professor Department of Medicine and Department of Microbiology and Immunology, UCSF
William Goldman, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, UNC School of Medicine
Matthew Weitzman, PhD
Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Penn Center for AIDS Research, University of Pennsylvania Perelman Medical School
Duke Speakers:
Soman Abraham, PhD
Professor, Department of Pathology, Duke Medical School
Andrew Alspaugh, MD
Professor, Department of Medicine, Duke Medical School
Bryan Cullen, PhD
James B. Duke Professor, Director Center for Virology, Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Duke Medical School
Xinnian Dong, PhD
Professor of Biology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Duke University
Barton Haynes, MD
Frederic M. Hanes Professor of Medicine and Immunology, Director Duke Human Vaccine Institute, Duke Medical School
Nicholas Heaton, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Duke Medical School
Poster and Oral Presentations: Registered individuals are invited to submit abstracts to be presented at a poster session during the symposium. Selected abstracts will be invited for an oral presentation. Abstract deadline is September 30th, 2015.
Awards: Prizes will be awarded to recipients selected for oral presentations. Additionally, two prizes for “Best Student Poster” and “Best Postdoc Poster” will be awarded.
Registration: Attendance is free but registration is required for our planning purposes.
Organizers: The symposium is hosted and sponsored by the Center of Host-Microbial Interactions.
Oral presentations: Invited talks will be either 30 or 15 minutes long. For 30-minute talks, speakers are requested to limit their presentation to 25 minutes to permit a 5-minute discussion period. For 15 minute talks, speakers are requested to limit their presentation to 12 minutes to permit a 3-minute discussion period. If you give an electronic presentation, please load your talk onto the available computer during the break that precedes the session in which you speak. Please bring your talk on a USB memory stick. To promote a smooth transition between talks, we ask everyone to use the computers provided.
Poster presentations: Abstracts are being accepted for poster presentations. There will be one poster session to be held during lunch. The maximum poster size is 3 x 5 feet. Poster board assignments will be available prior to the meeting and can also be found in the program (available at the meeting).