Welcome to the Tri-I MMPTP
The Tri-Institutional Molecular Mycology and Pathogenesis Training Program (Tri-I MMPTP) is a multidisciplinary program spanning three major research universities that was created to recruit, support, and train promising postdoctoral scientists and physicians to develop productive research careers in molecular mycology and pathogenesis. The Tri-I MMPTP is the nation’s only NIH-funded training program dedicated to the numerous aspects of molecular mycology.
We have two open fellowship training slots. Please see the Application tab for more information.
Recent News
- John Archibald, PhD visited Duke to present a seminar and book signing.
November 5, 2024

John Archibald, Dalhousie University, Nova Scocia, Canada, visited Duke on November 5, 2024 to present a seminar of his book "One Plus One Equals One". While at Duke, he also signed copies of his book.
October 21, 2024
- Heitman Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
April 30, 2021
Congratulations to Joseph Heitman, James B. Duke Professor and Chair of MGM and Tri-I MMPTP Director, who was one of two …
- CCRP Research Involves 11 NC State Faculty
August 22, 2019
The new $30 million Collaborative Crop Resilience Program brings together investigators from NC State University and three Danish institutions to discover …
- Jinks-Robertson elected to National Academy of Sciences
May 2, 2019
Jinks-Robertson elected to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Sue Jinks-Robertson, Professor and co-Vice Chair in the Department of Molecular Genetics …
The Tri-Institutional MMPTP aims to select committed trainees with outstanding potential, regardless of their prior area of research, and provide rigorous research training that involves clinical or basic mycology. Trainees will be nurtured to develop independent research programs utilizing pathogenic fungi or non-pathogenic fungi as model systems. To tap the regional talent in mycology, we have enlisted mentoring scientists from three proximal institutions — Duke University,the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), and North Carolina State University (NCSU). Trainees may elect to use well-characterized fungal model species or medically/agriculturally-relevant pathogens to investigate questions of eukaryotic biology, and/or to explore the host-fungus dynamics of human or plant diseases. In addition, we have expertise in fungal systematics, phylogeny, evolution, and genomics. Many research projects will bridge one or more of these areas. Furthermore, it is relatively common (and often encouraged) for trainees to move from one laboratory to another, combining these conceptual domains.